Friday, December 20, 2013

"Carpe Diem"

    The blog quickly became my favorite part of our assignments; this is not how it began.  I recall thinking and saying out loud…No, I can’t set up a blog, post to a blog, write a blog, help!  But, the Blog has allowed me to gain an insight into the personalities of my otherwise very scholarly colleagues. 
     I have enjoyed reading your posts.  I thank all of you for your thoughtful comments, probing questions, and the opportunity to share this learning experience with dedicated early childhood professional.  I wish you all continued success towards your professional and educational goals.

Be Blessed,


  1. Jackie, I would like to personally take this time to thank you for all of you input and for sharing both your professional and personal knowledge. I can say that I have truly learned a lot from you during these past weeks. Thank you! May God continue to bless your future.


  2. Jackie you have shared so much of your knowledge and experiences in the field with us over this course, I truly appreciate having the opportunity to learn from you. I wish you continued success in where ever the future takes you. I know you will be great at what is planned for you!!

  3. Jackie,
    I have enjoyed working with you in this class, and I enjoyed blogging with you. I wish you the best.

  4. It has been such a privilege to get to know you through your posts and discussions. You are truly an asset to the program and families you work with daily. Best wishes to you as you continue on in your studies and furthermore move on to greater things. Should I have the privilege to meet up with you again someday, the pleasure would be all mine. Thank you so much for all you do!

  5. I always enjoyed reading your ideas and posts! You brought such strong ideas and insights that I have never experienced or even thought. I believe your presence at the EC field is a big advantage. Wish you all the best in your passion and career in early childhood field. And...enjoy the holiday seasons. Hope to virtually meet you again in the future course.
