Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Great Communicator


     The person that comes to mind when I think of a great communicator is one of my college professors. He taught a class I was not at all interested in at the time, philosophy. He didn’t lecture, but instead told a story and made the material germane to our everyday lives. He was clear, concise, and he listened to the students. His eye contact and body language said, “What you are saying is important to me.” What I liked best is he walked among us. Most instructors stay at the front of the class. Father Jason walked around and sometimes would take a seat at a desk. The class flowed, and I would find the time had gone too quickly.


I would like to hold the audiences attention the way Father Jason did with his quick wit and ability to steer the class back to the topic. In my current position as a coach, I need to keep the group focused and limit the side bar conversations that can occur when teachers come together. I would like my workshops to be as engaging as Father Jason’s class, no matter what the topic.   


  1. Jackie,
    Wow this was obviously a positive experience for you. Fr. Jason really knew how to communicate and teach. I'm sure you'll be able to model your communication skills after this fine Professor. Good luck with this!

  2. I always love to listen to people who are great story tellers. They really know how to capture their audience and keep them engaged in what they are saying. I believe that is a great trait to possess as an effective communicator.

  3. Jackie,
    When a communicator is able to present the material and maintain your interest, then you are able to receive the information. I believe that a good communicator is honest and interesting. As you stated, your professor had the ability to steer you back on topic. Educators need this skill to work with diverse families.

  4. Hi Jackie!
    I think this is great. I always love to listen to others tell stories especially is they have good communication skills. I think all educators need to have these skills in order to be effective communicators.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. When you have a teacher who can change your thinking about something simply by making you privy to the wonderfulness of it through simply communicating- you have a good communicator. It is something special when you are made to feel like what you have to say is important. What a privilege to have had this person in your life to show you what good communication looked and felt like so you could pass it along to others in your practice. Thanks for sharing!
